The Royal Aeronautical Society
The Kremer International Marathon Competition
The Kremer International Sporting Aircraft Competition
The rules are here:
The Kremer International Seaplane competition
The rules can be downloaded here
The Robert Graham Competition
Prize: £500 (Five Hundred Pounds Sterling)
The competition aims to foster knowledge in the art and science of human-powered flight. The competition is open to undergraduates and other students of engineering, technology, human physiology and other relevant disciplines at universities, polytechnics, colleges of further education and sixth-form colleges in the United Kingdom. Any project entered must form an integral part of a course of studies. The work can take the form of experimental research or engineering design and must have a clear application to human-powered flight. Each sponsoring college may approve one entry in each discipline per year.
The British Human Powered Flight Club Icarus Cup
Details here:
The Race to Flight
After five years of few entries and with no aircraft built or ready to fly the channel and with both faster and more dense shipping using the English Channel/Le Manch The Great Race Committee have decided to cancel the competition and use the funds that were most generously donated for the competition to support the construction of new human-powered aircraft. Designers and constructors should contact the competition committee through the Great Race website with proposals. Initially, this can be in the form of an enquiry to ask for an opinion about their design, followed by a reasonably detailed design proposal. This should include a general arrangement drawing, a power polar, structural calculations, and a weight estimate. The committee is willing to consider both conventional aircraft with structures and layouts similar to Gossamer Albatross and Daedalus and more novel proposals for example inflatable aircraft similar to Fred To’s Phoenix.
The Great Race: Competition website is here.
The Japanese Birdman Rally
Details here: